Thursday, January 17, 2008

Carnet de bord des élections serbes

This week I follow news and blogs about the Jan. 20 presidential election in Serbia.
The election will pit Serbian Radical Party leader Tomislav Nikolic (Svim Srcem) against President Boris Tadic, who leads the Democratic Party ( for a strong and stable Serbia).
Then there are these 4 Candidates who will get some distinctive votes to force Nikolic and Tadic to go throught "round 2" on Feb. 3. Milutin Mrkonjic from Socialist Party (he still has a great number of voters), Velimir Ilic from Democratic Party of Serbia (He is widely regarded as one of the more colorful figures in Serbian politics), Cedomir Jovanovic of Liberal Democratic Party (ready to give away Kosovo for Entry-ticket to EC) and Istvan Pastor from Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians. The last 3 Candidates are just outsiders: Marijan Risticevic of People Peasant Party (a lot of people live from farming and he has his supporters), Jugoslav Dobricanin of Reformist Party (not very famous) and Milanka Karic (The Family is the power of Serbia) the wife of Tycoon Bogoljub Karic.

The election is considered crucial for Serbia as it decides whether to press on with "pro West" integration or to go a more nationalistic direction.
I'm concerned how Media will cover these elections in Western Europe. So far I found a french group who sent journalists to Belgrade who will keep their impressions in a blog. These guys just have time to speak with people in Belgrade, unfortunately this will not really be representative. The first person they interwieved was Maria a militant supporter of Liberal Democratic Party.Now let's hope they don't get wrong conclusions about that. Or better: why don't they bring Maria with them back to France?!

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