Saturday, April 19, 2008

Radio Beograd Building in Belgrade

This building (at the corner of Hilandarska, Makedonska and Svetogorska)

was formerly known as „zanatski dom“ (craft center) with its various crafts institutions. It was built in 1931 and designed by architekt Bogdan Nestorovic in the spirit of modernism.
The old Zanatski Dom had a café, a restaurant and a hotel, where prominent Belgrade intellectuals and artists gathered between the two World Wars. Inside was like an art gallery where paintings (of Sava Sumanovic) were displayed and writers evenings were organizated.

Just after war, the communists brought the building in the country's hands. And then arrived the national police, and brutally, chased the traders away from their home and told them, it is needed to be placed a Radio Station. Toward the end of 1946 Radio Belgrade (who was formerly at studios at 42 Knez Mihailo Street, while the transmitter was situated in Rakovica) moved in to the Crafts Center’s premises at 2 Hilander Street.

Above the entrance a stonemason (Lukacek) carved 2 white doves next to the figures of a craftsman and an anvil, as a symbol for crafts.

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