Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pristina - the future?

In my last post I showed some exiting buildings in Pristina.
In the comment section (and later by mail) I got into some interesting discussions about: Ehm, yes nice what's there and now what's next ?!

What I'm going to show now is a spectacular project done by the Pristina-based ANARCH architectural studio of Astrit Nixha.
It's supposed to be the highest skyscraper in the Balkans (165 m)!
Construction (as main contractor) is being performed by the Croatian firm Konstruktor (based in Split) and will employ 2,000 people. Investor is Kosovar company ENK Invest Group in cooperation with four other firms from Albania.
The costs will be around 400 milion Euro and estimated completion is in 2 phases in 2011 and 2014.

The complex is located on Bill Clinton Boulevard close to the center of Pristina (in Lakriste, an ex-industrial zone) on an area of 26,000 m2. With a floor space of 285,000 m2, the complex consists of 100 luxury apartments, a 165 m 42-story-high high-end office tower, a shopping center, a hotel and six level subterranean garages.

So far everything seems fine. The project is nice and would stand up to international standards.

But honestly, there are some questions that I have to ask myself:

• How will this construction site work, if still now electricy is not available the entire day and as much as one would like? (I'm very curious to see how a projects like that can be made with lack of energy and water...)
• Who will rent this appartments and this office-spaces and who will be using the shops? (I coul go on asking what are the shops selling, because the Kosovo region has no own production of food or any goods and importing goods will not really generate a big economy).
The ordinary inhabitants of Kosovo will hardly have the oportunity to ever step into that building, due of lack of money...and the middle class is totally missing in it will be only for the very wealthy and I don't dare to ask what kind of wealthy people.

The project is very optimistic...let's see how's going on..... I'm afraid it will be the highest empty skyscraper in the Balkans!

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