Monday, June 1, 2009

My first award!

Today I got a very apreciated award for creativity from emo-serpica of Thank you!

Emo-serpica is an engineer from Belgrade and has also another very inspiring blog (emo-serpica) that I regularly read. I'd like to reccomend you to visit them both.

Now it's my turn to choose 3 blogs I would like to pass on the award.
Of course it's not easy, because there are so many creative blogger doing a great job, and I follow quiet a lot of them. I thought for that, to consider blogs that are creatively dedicated to Serbian culture and tradition. (Even if some of the blogs I would have given the award, already got it!) so here's my choice:

1. Mirjana

2. Nemanja

3. Adam

If you don't already know this blogs, I advise you to give a look.
Mirjana is a very creative Serbian who lives in Denmark and writes and shows her way to preserve and live Serbian culture. Nemanja covers a rather unknown area from Serbia (surrounding of Grdelica) with his blog, and mixes creatively researched informations and personal impressions. Adam is a British expat who has made Belgrade his home. In his blog he creatively shares pictures and experiences.

My dear friends on this list above, if you like this award I would like to ask you to:

1. Take the award and put it on your blog
2. You make a link to my blog and write you got the award from me
3. Choose 3 blogs you would like to reward for inspirationa and creativity.

Hvala i srećno!

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