Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Prizad Building in Belgrade

At Obilicev Venac 2 is a great building, an icon of modern Belgrade: the Tanjug Building (TANJUG = Telegraph Agency of the new Yugoslavia, the news agency founded in Jajce in 1943, to supply the Yugoslav and foreign press, as well as other institutions, with domestic and foreign news).


When the building was erected however it was called Prizad building until WW II, as it was build for PRIZAD Private Bank.

It was designed in 1938 by Bogdan Nestorovic (1901-1975) the architect that designed also the Radio Belgrade building, (my post here) and was involved also in designing St. Sava Cathedral (my post here).

The architecture uses typical modern elements, has strict hierarchy and is very neat designed.  The building shape adapts to the plot size: along toblicin venac it's  even and follows the street, on the other side where the property is limited by two streets that fall into each other, the building reacts to it with its round shaped side.
On the picture above you can see, how the building looks very different from the two sides.

Title picture from Peter (www.ostarchitektur.com) all other from from rascian at skyscraper city.


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