Despite what AIDS Denialists may say, AIDS Denialism has political ties. The reality is that Peter Duesberg attracts champions of free speech and anti-censorship. That is because the folklore of Peter Duesberg centers on his being censored by science and defunded by the federal government, neither of which is true. Still, he has successfully cultivated the sympathies of the anti-government crowd.
Those of us who follow AIDS Denialism are well aware of the connection between AIDS deniers and Libertarianism. Former college math teacher Rebecca Culshaw came to us through the Lew Rockwell anti-government, anti-war, pro-capitalism website. Libertarian comedian Bill Maher (and by the way, I am a fan) came out in support of the late AIDS denier Christine Maggiore. Other AIDS Deniers like conservative columnist Tom Bethel and venture capitalist Robert Leppo also fall into the Libertarian camp. Of course there are the Clean Hands whistle blowing American Physicians and Surgeons people who publish AIDS deniers in their sham journal. Then you have David Rasnick who fears the NIH, CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS etc. to the point where he lives in exile in the Bahamas. There are several other examples from less known (and less significant) AIDS denier bloggers.
Those of us who follow AIDS Denialism are well aware of the connection between AIDS deniers and Libertarianism. Former college math teacher Rebecca Culshaw came to us through the Lew Rockwell anti-government, anti-war, pro-capitalism website. Libertarian comedian Bill Maher (and by the way, I am a fan) came out in support of the late AIDS denier Christine Maggiore. Other AIDS Deniers like conservative columnist Tom Bethel and venture capitalist Robert Leppo also fall into the Libertarian camp. Of course there are the Clean Hands whistle blowing American Physicians and Surgeons people who publish AIDS deniers in their sham journal. Then you have David Rasnick who fears the NIH, CIA, FBI, DHS, IRS etc. to the point where he lives in exile in the Bahamas. There are several other examples from less known (and less significant) AIDS denier bloggers.
So it did not surprise me to see AIDS Denialists crawl out of the woodwork on former Libertarian Presidential Candidate and US Congressman Ron Paul’s website. It is an amusing read, with connections between Chinese viruses, Peter Duesberg, and natural cures.
A new infectious disease is spreading in large areas of Mainland China. Symptoms are similar to AIDS but it spreads faster between family members, even via bodily fluids like saliva.
[Mr. Lin, Yunnan Resident]:"This disease destroys immunity cells just like AIDS. The lowest amount of immunity cells of some patients is only 200, mine is 400. The doctor couldn't find many antibodies, so he called it 'Fear of AIDS' disease."
Preliminary research shows that patients have symptoms of fatigue, chronic diarrhea, swollen lymph nodes, and weakened immunity. But doctors cannot find any sign of the HIV virus.
[Mr. Xue, Hunan Resident]:"A huge number of people caught the nameless virus but the doctors cannot make a thorough check. So they make a conclusion that it's a 'Fear of AIDS' disease. The symptoms are very much like those of AIDS."
Because the Chinese Ministry of Health doesn't recognize the disease, it has not carried out any investigation. However, patients feel very horrified and sad when they see their family members and friends become infected by coming into contact with their saliva or sweat.
They have been using chemtrails over there to "influence the weather." And so the story goes. Until we get the chems out of the air, we will not know what is what.
I'll Keep Posting This Link Until You All Get It...Aids caused by some virus is BULLSHIT just like the FED, man made global warming,ect,ect ad nauseum....
I Want To Convey Peter Duesberg Destroyed The HIV…He proved the virus is harmless irrefutably. He was given a grant way back in the beginning of this scam and after 2 years of exhaustive research his results were that the virus was absolutely harmless to humans and the worse you can get if you even manage to pick it up is a very mild flu like symptom,period.
That's when the character assassination have to understand who Duesberg is without a doubt the the one person on the planet that knows more about retro-viruses than anyone. (HIV is a retro-virus and there are around 100 of them in the chain HIV is in that humans get) his forte was studying them throughout his career (over 25 years) at UC Berkley trying to find a link between retro-viruses and cancer. He is the discoverer of the oncogene.
Well to cut to the chase as soon as he came back after the 2 year study and informed everyone that they were wrong his grant/lab was shut down. The person in control of the funding was a bitch named Flossie Wong and she's Robert Gallo's girlfriend the discoverer (hah) of HIV and also the patent holder on the test for HIV.
Duesberg wrote this book long ago and it destroyed causation by HIV.
Basically it's about big pharma money....
There are thousands of Dr's worldwide that know this whole thing is garbage but with the media control there is it's tough. Excellent article by Dr. Kary Mullis
Thanks for the link to the article from Dr. Kary Mullis! That was an eye opener. Looks like they used the HIV=AIDS as a tool to push the acceptance of AZT. Can you say another scam by big pharma?
Dr.Mullis couldn't find any reference 'anywhere' from 'anyone' that proved HIV was the cause of AIDS, and when he told Glaxo he was going to blow the lid off the myth at a conference they invited him to speak at, they decided to revoke his invitation, and instead sent him a check for $6,048.00 for his trouble?
Looks like the real cause of Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome is nothing more than an overload of viruses/bacteria on the immune system from having to many sexual partners. Makes perfect sense! If you have 20-50-200 partners a year, you're susceptible to every virus/bacteria each of those people might be carrying. If you contract for instance 100-200-300 different viruses/bacteria from all those different people or just by sleeping with one other person who has been with several people, it may overload your immune system and viola! You now have AIDS.
That was a great article Thomas, thanks for sharing! I would suggest anyone living this lifestyle, protect yourself with colloidal silver, or better yet STOP!
Yea, that makes perfect….Yea, that makes perfect sense. Except my brother in law is dying of AIDS and has had a total of 3 partners in the 17 years that I have known him, and he used alternative holistic remedies the entire time.
Conspiracy Theories are an art form.
So how does HIV relate to…So how does HIV relate to AIDS?
I wish I would have heard of this back then-my wonderful Aunt Doris died of AIDS back in 92'.My Aunt suffered a horrible death and if there are people out there exposing this we should help them.
She caught it from a boyfriend who-after we found out she had AIDS-was an ex junkie.
Verry important observation, Thomas. Means vaccinations play a part in spreading disease.
Can Silver kills HIV and AIDS? Yes, it can and does! "Colloidal silver has been shown to kill all one-celled, disease-causing organisms tested — in six minutes or less (over 650 species of bacteria, fungi and viruses have been tested, so far). The silver acts as a catalyst, disabling an enzyme these microbes require for oxygen metabolism. With a basic metabolic function shutdown, the microbes can't mutate and consequently, can't develop resistance to the silver [Exotic Research]."
The above was an excerpt from this article below, read the whole thing, it's damned good!
Yep…I take it regularly.!
One word!...Colloidal Silver :) .... ain't nothing it can't kill ..... Nothing! If it's a virus, it won't last 6 minutes after contact with silver.
Yes…I have read several articles about AIDS patients being cured with the use of CS. Here's a few good articles, you can do some searches and find more testimonial type write ups.
That's just one, do some searches and you'll find more.
Here are a few links on that…Here are a few links on that subject that I found as well(one of them thanks to our very own Jake Towne)
I wonder if this would be receptive to anti-viral…natural remedies like Samento or Cat's Claw. My friend cured herself of chronic, debilitating Lyme disease with Samento
"According to modern classification of diseases, our medical practice has listed more than 101 of them that are susceptible to treatment with Samento or influenced to an extent unachievable with any of the remedies of the conventional medicine today.
I’ll mention just a few of the successfully treated conditions: hypertension, influenza (which I already spoke about), rhinitis, hay fever, edemas with various origins, herpes, sinusitis, gastrointestinal problems – ulcers, gastritis, colitis, irritable bowels syndrome, constipation, etc., conjunctivitis, urinary infections (including dysuria - difficulty in urinating), hepatitis C, allergies with different etiology, pharyngitis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, fibromyalgia, ischaemic heart disease, stenocardia, cysts, prostatic adenoma, menstrual cycle irregularities, grave and unsusceptible to other treatments hemorrhages, lung emphysema, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, asthma, involuntary urination, tumors – benign and malignant, endometriosis, chronic fatigue syndrome… The list can be extended further but our trials and observations continue, especially those related to cancer diseases. We have achieved indisputable results in patients in the final stages of different types of cancer (of the uterus, bladder, breast, etc.) – results that proved unattainable with the traditional anticancer therapies: normalization of the tumor markers and the characteristic pathological deviations, restoring of the normal blood values, discontinuing of uncontrolled hemorrhages, removal of the pain that renders unnecessary all the drugs with analgesic properties, etc. All these cases are well illustrated by systematic laboratory and other tests.”
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