Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Snake Oil for Sale": Gary Null (and void) back on the air?

WBAI (the NYC Pacifica radio station) is putting AIDS denialist Gary Null back on the air. They plan to give him five days a week to spout misinformation like HIV is not the cause of AIDS and all AIDS treatments are poison.
Null aims to expand his lies about HIV not causing AIDS, and the marketing of his own products, to all the listener-sponsored Pacifica stations.  No matter where you live, we need your help opposing this dangerous situation.
This is unacceptable:
- There is no valid debate on HIV as the cause of AIDS, just like there is no valid debate that the Holocaust occured.
- AIDS denialism kills people. Individuals are told to reject possible treatments and government leaders are encouraged to deny access to treatment.
- Arguing with denialists takes valuable time away from efforts fighting HIV/AIDS.

Note: If this is an ORGANIZATIONAL ENDORSEMENT as well as an INDIVIDUAL ENDORSEMENT, please fill in the ORGANIZATION field in the petition.
2) Call and email WBAI and Pacifica leaders to tell them that AIDS denialists have led to the deaths of people with HIV and that there is no longer any valid debate that HIV is the cause of AIDS:
Interim WBAI Program Director Tony, 212-209-2835 M-F, 9am-1pm; 2- 5pm EST or leave a message at the switchboard 212-209-2800.

WBAI Interim General Manager Berthold Reimers, 212-209-2820 EST, or leave a message at the switchboard 212-209-2800.

WBAI Station Board Chair Mitchel Cohen:

Pacifica National Board and Executive Director 
Arlene, 510-849-2590 x208 PST; if you can't get through try 510-849-2590 and ask to leave a message for her.
3) Share this information with everyone who cares about the fight against HIV/AIDS, urging them to take action..

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