You recently wrote a letter to Dr. Kalichman requesting his expertise in HIV Criminalization Cases. You made this request for the prosecution, even though you speciously claim to work for the defense. Would you consider this to be an ethical request? If you wish to be accepted as a serious, respected, criminal justice professional, a letter with such childish pandering does not bode well for your credibility. It is not only unprofessional to taunt a man credentialed and well respected in his field, it also gives you the appearance of a bully. It is also a waste of Dr. Kalichman’s precious time.
Strategy & Slander
First you mention the so called strategy of OMSJ. Your stated strategy in the letter is to go over the medical and scientific evidence to be used by the prosecution and “render opinions as to whether they have sufficient evidence or not.” That is the only truth I have ever seen you write. You admit that what you are offering is opinion; speculation; conjecture. How could you offer an educated opinion when you do not accept the current, accepted science of HIV? Or when you do not have the necessary education or experience to render a valid opinion? This obvious oversight on your part is not lost on logical, mentally stable people.
However, the true strategy as stated at your OMSJ site is to perpetuate an agenda of “HIV Science as incoherent gibberish”. You state that “HIV tests are worthless” and that “HIV tests are designed to do nothing more than market HIV as a disease.” You accuse HIV Scientists, Researchers and Doctors as being “Pharma Sluts” and anyone else who disagrees with you as “meth trannies.” How can you make these ridiculous, unsubstantiated and libelous accusations and expect to be taken seriously?
Specific Slander of Dr. Kalichman
In your letter to Dr. Kalichman, you write: “As you know, OMSJ has been extremely impressed by your knowledge and expertise in the field of HIV and AIDS.” And yet there are several examples of your extreme libel and slander of Dr. Kalichman at all 3 of your websites. In July of 2010 you wrote at your Ex-Liberal site that “Professor Kalichman is paid $17 Million Dollars to write (this blog), Denying AIDS and to write harassing emails.” That proves not only your insincerity, but your complete disregard for the truth.
Contradictions VS Proof
The contents of your letter were also contradictory as well as lacking in substance and facts. For example, you claimed that OMSJ has “been involved in several dozen cases since 2009.” However, you only list 28 cases at your OMSJ site not 36. Where are the other 8 cases, Mr. Baker? You also falsely profess a glowing success in “every case that defense attorneys have worked with OMSJ.” I have an entire website in which I meticulously document the truth behind those cases you list at OMSJ. Even though you merely list the name of a defendant and a link to an original news article of the arrest, I have spent a great deal of time documenting case numbers, court documents, attorney records, correspondence with attorneys and court clerks as well as current news articles specific to the outcome of the case. Here is a true summary of why charges were dropped in 8 of your 28 cases:
Charges Dropped Due to Precedent Established in Previous Case
1. Shan Ortiz
2. Darren Chiacchia
Charges Dropped Due to Defendant Testing HIV Negative on ELISA
1. Jose Alex Perez
2. Daniel Hay Lewis
3. Shan Ortiz - this defendant was also shown to be mentally unstable and did not commit the crime of molesting a child. Also, the physical examination of the child confirmed the child was not molested.
Plea Deals - Both Defendants Convicted; Received Incarceration and Fine
1. Cordlin Comer - This was a plea deal. The first time the plea was offered, the defendant turned it down "waiting for medical records". Once they received the medical records proving the defendant was indeed HIV+, the defendant accepted the exact same plea deal, not a reduced plea. One charge was dropped (and the defendant married that accuser who also gave birth to their child).
2. Jerome Walker - HIV Tests proved the defendant was HIV+. He was convicted of 2 of 4 charges and 2 years of confinement.
Attorney Confirmation via email
1. Daniel Allen - Attorney James Galen sent me an email verifying that Baker lied about being "instrumental" in this case. Mr. Galen went on to confirm Mr. Baker not useful at all.
All of these cases prove definitively that you have lied about at least 8 cases that you claim “complete success”. Several of these cases have charges dropped as a direct result of the very science and HIV Tests you claim to be fraudulent and worthless. How do you accommodate for those facts? Detailed information about these cases can be found at the HIV Innocence Project.
How else will you chose to embarrass yourself, Mr. Baker? How about coming clean and provide some transparency? How about providing specifics as to exactly how you have helped each case? How about providing some information about your staff of experts and attorneys? Or is OMSJ just one man perjuring himself with phony affidavits?
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